The People Speak: Aberfeldy Live! Talkaoke #25
Welcome to Aberfeldy Live! Talkaoke – an interactive pop-up talkshow, where you, the participants, set the agenda. Every last Thursday of the month we report live from the streets of Poplar and further afield via Zoom about all the matters local and global.
How does Talkaoke work?
It’s simple: the Talkaoke host sits in the middle of a round table and you, the participants, sit at small tables close by. Each table has a mic and you are invited to talk about anything they like. Each discussion is a journey from one unexpected subject to another: it can be topical, funny, deep, surreal, and everything in between. The conversation will be visualised live by a digital illustrator! It’s a drop in – so feel free to stay for as long or as little as you can.
How can I join?
Come along to The People Speak studio at 27 Aberfeldy Street, London, E14 0NU or join online via Zoom by following this link.
Is the event Covid-secure?
Yes. Talkaoke will take place in a socially distanced environment. We ask participants to wear face masks, stay in their bubbles and use hand gels provided in line with the safety procedures.
Free training opportunity
If you are interested in learning our facilitations techniques and have a go hosting a Talkaoke – drop Margot & Mikey a line on info@thepeoplespeak.org.uk to have a chat about it.