Our Plan
Our Plan
Every few years, the ABL partnership writes a plan that outlines what we will do with the money to benefit the community. Our plan has three themes: people, places, and power.
We will provide opportunities for local people to get involved in the community, leading activities and events that bring people together and build community spirit. We will invest in our children and young people for a brighter future.
A community needs vibrant, authentic, and welcoming places for people to meet and mix. We want to support the creation of places where we can mix with our neighbours, build new connections, and develop a sense of pride in the area, including pubs, cafes, sports facilities, and parks.
We want more Aberfeldy residents to have a say over the Big Local funding so that we can use it to improve the area for everyone. We want the community to play a bigger role in the changes happening in the area so that local people can benefit more from them.